Parent Child Relationship Repair
There may be few things as difficult as having a rupture in your relationship with your child that results in them resisting or refusing to engage with you.
Parent Child Relationship Repair therapy, also known as reunification or family therapy, is a specific form of therapy that aims to address a resist or refuse dynamic between a child and their parent, typically following parental separation, divorce, or significant conflict. Oftentimes, these issues create so much stress in the family that the court is involved and has ordered family therapy.
While each family and the circumstances that have lead to the break in the relationship is unique, common challenges include: disagreement about the “why” or the “what do we do now”, concern about the impact on the child and any siblings, and confusion about what is truly best in the short and long term.
Our goals when providing parent child relationship repair therapy include:
Supporting your family to find safe involvement of both parents in your child’s life
Establishing a middle ground where your child is helped to manage any conflicting feelings and loyalties
Providing support, information, and guidance to both parents to create change to the benefit of your child
Maintaining a focus on your child and working in their best interests
We require engagement from both parents in the process and understand there are often conflicting perspectives. Our hope is that through our work together, you can find a new version of parent-child relationship that is less conflictual, supportive of your child, and “good enough” for each of you. However, we also must recognize the possibility that this is not the case and treatment ends without the relationship improving and being repaired. As the therapist, we will work closely with you and those involved in your care to determine if and when treatment focus should be changed or services terminated.
*We do not provide recommendations regarding parenting time.
Additional information about PCRR therapy
PCRR therapy fee schedule