
Therapy for teens

Teenagers are unique.

As a teenager, friends become more important than anything, sports and activities can take over, pressure to do or be a certain way can be overwhelming. Teens often have a harder time talking to their parents or family members about things. It’s a time when you can feel so confident and so uncertain at the exact same time.

Therapy for teens looks a little different, because teens are different. If you are looking for a space where you get to just show up exactly as you are, talk about what is going on, and get some new ideas then you’re in the right place.

The therapy we provide is private, relaxed, and supportive. Some typical areas we work with teens on include:

  • Overwhelm & stress

  • Peer issues

  • School stress/avoidance

  • Family stress/conflict

  • Identity

  • Self-esteem

  • Self harm

  • Suicidal ideation

Teenagers come with caregivers too who may have the same or different concerns than the teen in the room. In most cases, it is required that caregivers consent to therapy for their teenager and we hold an initial session with the caregivers as well. Sometimes caregivers are highly involved, sometimes not; we can work together to determine what will be the best fit for you.